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Upon receipt found the problem can reject it?Current location : Home > FAQ

At the time of receipt of goods, such goods are found damaged, please refuse to return my company (shipments if unusual, hope you will actively cooperate with our company, telephone communication, so that such events can be accurately and timely judgment), the relevant who will you re-arrange delivery.

Next:In support of credit card installment basis? how to apply?
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Standard fasteners
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ODM stainless steel products
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  • Mobile: +8613538289701
  • Whatsapp: +8613538289701
  • Wechat: +8613538289701
  • Skype: jordan1982042
  • E-mail: jordanhefasteners@gmail.com
  • Add: Room  603  No.98 building ,shushan Road ,shahu community ,Tangxi town Dongguan city Guangdong Province ,China